Project name: Kindergarten Maria Hilf
Project type: Public space
Location: Schweinfurt, Germany
Architect: architektur + ingenieurbüro perleth
Cleaf’s official distributor: Klöpferholz

The Kindergarten Maria Hilf in Schweinfurt by architektur + ingenieurbüro perleth is the December Monthly Winner of the Shaping Surfaces competition by Cleaf.
The project is a day care centre with two nursery groups and two regular groups. The facility is a newly constructed three-storey building designed to meet the needs of both children and staff. The aim of the interior design concept was to create a welcoming and safe environment. The use of child-friendly materials and warm colours has resulted in an environment that is conducive to comfort and ease.
The classic wood look of Matrix LG23, the result of an in-depth research between artisan and industrial approaches, has been chosen for the kitchen, furniture and doors.